We Make Books! Independent Publishing in Africa

Participants: TJ Benson (Za! Magazine), Pascale Obolo (Afrikadaa, Miss Read), Parfait Tabapsi (Mosaïques), Nadine Siegert (Goethe-Institut Nigeria)

We Make Books, an initiative of Goethe-Institut Nigeria together with Afrikadaa, Mosaïques and Miss Read, is collaborating with art publishers, art writers and critics, book fairs, galleries, curators, art organisations, publishing networks, and other art & book initiatives in Africa and the African diaspora. The goal of this project is to promote a collective vision around the creation, publication, distribution, and sales of art books in Africa. The objective is to produce quality work, advance standards and exhibit the highest levels of professionalism.

In this panel discussion, we discuss the current challenges for art publishers on the African continent and what we have achieved so far to find solutions. We will focus on co-publishing as a way to find better ways to collaborate and distribute our products.

Sunday, 13.10., 15:00
Stage (HKW)
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