Club de Bridge – Miss Read

Club de Bridge

Club de Bridge is an art community project based between urban Berlin and Poitou (a rural part of France). It aims to provide alternative narratives through zines, in order to politically strengthen queer and ecologist local fights. The zines are mostly published in French (some of them are also available in English), and are created in collaboration with activist groups (Youth For Climate, Soulèvements de La Terre, Extinction Rebellion, Bassines Non Merci, Reprise de Savoirs or local queer communities). We are very involved in the fight against "mega-bassines" (huge retention pools drying out our native landscape in France). It leads us to organize participatory workshops to use zine-making as a way to archive political emotions and actions. In this framework, our zines are used as political tools by the community as a support to gather and share knowledge. They are also a way to create our own subversive archive, to prevent our narratives from being reappropriated by the state. The process making of the zines takes place in La Fanzinothèque (Poitiers, France), the biggest archive of zines in Europe (see In Berlin, we used to organize the Queer Zine Fest, and we often take part to the experimental project "Floating University" which creates new inter-species communities.
The fanzines of the last 3 years
Club de Bridge, The fanzines of the last 3 years, Club de Bridge, 2023 © Club de Bridge

This is a picture of all the different zines we've produced over the last 3 years.

Zine 2 paste
Club de Bridge, Zine 2 paste, Jaune Peace, 2021 © Club de Bridge

This poster is an unfolded zine that is made to be paste on the walls of our cities. It costs only 2 euros.

Mapping Learnscapes
Club de Bridge, Mapping Learnscapes, Floating University, 2022 © Club de Bridge

This image is here to document our collective process in the zine making. It is important for us to highlight that these fanzines are the results of different methodologies that are allowing us to create collectively, with other artists, activists, inhabitants of the spaces we're involved in.
