1+1=11 (Roberto Equisoain) – Miss Read

1+1=11 (Roberto Equisoain)

Roberto Equisoain (Spain, 1973) is a writer who doesn't write, a non-writer. He is patholic, pataphysic and errorist. Re-writing, détour, plagiarism and recycling are his recurrent techniques,
In his work he investigates the relationship between text and image within the frame of audiovisual recycling. His texts consist of reflections, puns, fragments of conversations or reprocessing of other texts. The images develop on the basis of reused film material which is intervened, manipulated or recontextualized. Both languages come into contact generating and creating in this way new meanings.

He also experiments with different forms of intimate documentary film, the exploration of urban space, with chance as a constructive element and with the poetic intervention in spaces.
El que libra del error
Roberto Equisoain, El que libra del error, Escrito a lápiz, 2023 © Roberto Equisoain
La muerte de LUis XVI
Roberto Equisoain, La muerte de LUis XVI, Escrito a lápiz, 2024 © Roberto Equisoain
Roberto Equisoain, Caries, Escrito a lápiz, 2023 © Roberto Equisoain