Fill in the Blanks: Queer Print Culture in Hong Kong

Participant: Beatrix Pang (Queer Reads Library)

This talk covers two of Queer Reads Library's (QRL) researches and publications: Queer Reads Lexicon Zine II and Fill in the Blanks: Queer Print Culture in Hong Kong.

Queer Reads Lexicon II is the second edition of a work-in-process series. The contents in every issue will be selected and edited from our queer lexicon workshops. In this issue we discussed some queer words in Chinese languages being banned and censored on the internet.

Fill in the Blanks: Queer Print Culture in Hong Kong is a research project started in the summer 2022 as a one-month incubator residency at WMA space in Hong Kong. The research started to look into the queer history of Hong Kong through the introduction of various independently published printed matters in different eras. From the QRL collection and other sources of contributions, we can find that the evolution of printed matters from the earliest materials dated from the 1970s xerox-printed newsletters till the current materials are significantly riso printed self-published zines and digital contents on social media.
Saturday, 23.09.23, 20:00
Stage (HKW)
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