© OnCurating.org

OnCurating in Conversation

Participants: Dorothee Richter (OnCurating), Ronald Kolb (OnCurating), curating students (OnCurating)

An evening with OnCurating.org—a renowned magazine for contemporary curatorial practices (now in its 58th issue) and a publisher of books on contemporary art and theory. Driven by innovative ways of curatorial practice, the platform explores a variety of themes and challenges the conventional rhetoric of curating.

Dorothee Richter (Executive Editor and Editor in Chief) and Ronald Kolb (Editor in Chief) will give insights into OnCurating, from the founding of the magazine to the upcoming issue focusing on "right-wing spaces and their counter movements," to the organization of educational symposia such as "Curating on the Move," and the forthcoming OnCurating Academy Berlin at ZK/U with an annual program.

The event is an opportunity to not only learn more about OnCurating, but you will also be able to hear directly from the curating students associated with the platform, as well as gain insights into the OnCurating exhibition space in Zurich (oncurating-space.org). Additionally, Miss Read will engage in a dialogue about curating and community-driven projects.
02.03.24, 18:00
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