Anastasia Strockova – Miss Read

Anastasia Strockova

Currently on a year-long residency at Urban Nation Berlin, working on personal project translating into the illustration as a language itself.

Selected illustrator at Bologna Children Book Fair (2014).
This year my new book was in Bologna Ragazzi selection at the same festival (2023).

Commissioned as illustrator by the prominent publishing house based in Prague (Albatros) and our books are being awarded and translated to various languages.

Working as freelance illustrator since 2017, making various commissions for graphic design studios, festival visuals, local businesses. (Clients: Red Bull, NGO, Czech Globe)

Mural painting at main illustration event in Prague Lustr festival and Marslab art space.

Well known in the Czech context, now moving to Berlin and interested to get know local illustrators and publishers.

Studied in Prague Academy of Art, Architecture and Design, Program Erasmus+ at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle at Georg Barber (Atak) studio.

Current project at Urban Nation includes new series of prints as well as converting illustration into 3D models and exploring the limits of illustrative language.
The Most Famous Water polo match(Unforgettable Sport Events II)
Anastasia Strockova, The Most Famous Water polo match(Unforgettable Sport Events II), Albatros Media a.s., 2022, © Anastasia Strockova

Illustration for a Children book about History of sports published by prominent Czech publishing house, now in the process of translation and showcased at festivals (Bologna BCHBF, Frankfurt festival). Currently Czech Zlata stuha nominee.

Targeting emotional cover
Anastasia Strockova, Targeting emotional cover, Marslab laboratory, 2022, © Anastasia Strockova

Mural painting for Marslab (Architecture studio) located in Prague creative location in Holesovice district. On topic of mental health in unstable times.

Spanish Flu (Unforgettable Events I)
Anastasia Strockova, Spanish Flu (Unforgettable Events I), Albatros Media a.s., 2021, © Anastasia Strockova

Illustration for a Children book about History, selected at Bologna Ragazzi contest. Published by Albatros, prominent Czech publishing house, translated into French, Spanish and Slovenien languages. Showcased at festivals (Bologna BCHBF, Frankfurt festival).
