BUCLE EDITORIAL (Buenos Aires, 2016) emerged through the convergence of Jorge Pomar and Sebastian "Chebo" Roitter Pavez. We make publications that seek to restore the sensory dimension of the book as an art object. We publish artists’ books and zines that gravitate the territory of strangeness and suspicion: unexpected encounters, equivocal and often unfinished thoughts, questions, and concerns that persist in a loop, endlessly.
World Propaganda Vomit
Maruts Ballet, World Propaganda Vomit, BUCLE EDITORIAL, 2022 © Maruts Ballet

In the mind of Maruts Ballet images products, logos, the interior of the supermarket, and the street view -that is, the sum of the capitalist imaginary- coexist with the tender, the teddy animals, and forest creatures. They melt into a dreamlike, nightmarish mixture. These disturbing tableaux give rise to a series of large-format publications, impossible advertising facsimiles, rarefying the landscape of representation, decomposing it, making it burst, and then wrapping it so that they return to the supermarket shelf.

I AM NOT HERE. Premonitions of a nomadic art
Sebastian "Chebo" Roitter Pavez, I AM NOT HERE. Premonitions of a nomadic art, BUCLE EDITORIAL, 2019 © Sebastian "Chebo" Roitter Pavez

“I am not here. Premonitions of nomadic art” is a visual and written essay on contemporary art in public spaces that recovers an archaic and ritual form, the totem, in the light of the studies of W. E. Fennelman, a forgotten English anthropologist who became an art critic by accident. Travelling through his notebooks, the paths diverge and the itinerary becomes ever more unlikely. New characters raise their own totems, outlandish subjects, exiled from knowledge, bandits, tomb raiders, maritime plagues, a specter to tourists. Like excavators or archivists, we delve into the figures that torment civilization, releasing pieces of barbarity, the material for constructing other worlds.

TITLE: That's the last thing I would define
Robi Alfano & Jorge Pomar, TITLE: That's the last thing I would define, BUCLE EDITORIAL, 2023 © Robi Alfano & Jorge Pomar

“Title: that’s the last thing I would decide” is the result of the intersection between the respective minds of the two artists. Robi Alfano and Jorge Pomar create a varied and personal fauna of fantastic animals, working in solitude, separated by more than ten thousand kilometers. The creatures that populate this publication, all made in black and white, cut the thin line between the unconscious of both artists, populating a paper garden without a name, an archetype born from innate and predetermined ideas of the human subconscious.
