Materialverlag HFBK Hamburg – Miss Read

Materialverlag HFBK Hamburg

The Materialverlag is the publication platform for the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg. It is a place where artistic engagement and experimental working techniques can be applied to the „book” medium. It intersects with other artistic disciplines that have a bearing on book form and content, such as Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Film, and Design. Materialverlag publishes artist books, editions, and multiples that abandon traditional templates, paving the way for new kinds of texts, images, and forms. In addition to these explicitly artistic forms of publication, Materialverlag also publishes theoretical discussions on currently relevant philosophical, artistic, media, and theory of culture issues.
Die Abenteuer von Löwe und Krokodil
Marc Truckenbrodt, Die Abenteuer von Löwe und Krokodil, Materialverlag, 2022 © Marc Truckenbrodt

Cover, hand-drawn comic, RISOgraphy and SW laser print, Swiss brochure

Members Only
Altay Tuz, Members Only, Materialverlag, 2023 © Altay Tuz

Hardcover with fold out page in four color print

Ofri Lapid / Marija Petrovic, Silver, Materialverlag, 2023 © Ofri Lapid / Marija Petrovic

Four-Colour-Printing on two different types of paper, Hardcover, Thread binding
