neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) – Miss Read

neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK)

Since the founding of the neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK), its program has produced over 450 publications, and it has had its own publishing house since 1987. In exhibition catalogs, readers, collections of materials, and other publications, thematic strands such as fascism, migration, gender, city + public space, critique of capitalism, and the political function of art, among others, form the programmatic profile of the nGbK. In the publishing program, the publications – usually edited collectively by the project groups and sometimes produced or distributed in cooperation with other publishing houses – are transferred from their decentralized structure into a programmatic overall context.
nGbK publications
nGbK publications, © photo: Isabel Francos Hohmann
Hosen haben Röcke an. Künstlerinnengruppe Erfurt 1984-1994
Hosen haben Röcke an. Künstlerinnengruppe Erfurt 1984-1994, nGbK, 2023
As Above, So Below. Kunst im Untergrund 2021/22
As Above, So Below. Kunst im Untergrund 2021/22, nGbK, 2022
Chile International II. Skizzen des Südens - Landkarten von morgen
Chile International II. Skizzen des Südens - Landkarten von morgen, nGbK, 2022
*foundationClass - the book
*foundationClass - the book, nGbK, 2022