© Colorama

2ly: An Exchange of Letters of Two Pairs between London and Leipzig

Participants: Hanako Emden (Florian∞Emden), Sophie Florian (Florian∞Emden), Safiye Gray (SM Studio), Molly Cranston (SM Studio)

Moderator: Johanna Maierski (Colorama)


Join us for a reading by the artist duos SM Studio (London) and Florian∞Emden (Leipzig) from their correspondence project 2ly.

“Familiarity creates a new language, an in-house language of intimacy.” But what happens to familiarity when it is publicized, widely? How do intimate thoughts, a formerly private conversation, react to being printed and (mis)read?

A transeuropean exchange of thoughts and feelings, the letters explore these questions and plenty more, some more mundane than others, through a shared love for characters, words, and texts. Publishing, here, is understood as speculation, and a shared authorship as given.
© Colorama
Sunday, 13.10.24, 15:00
Stage (HKW)
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