A Shade Colder: Oral Frictions and the Echo of an Otherwise

Participants: Vaim Sarv (A Shade Colder), Mia Tamme (A Shade Colder)

For the occasion of the fair, A Shade Colder will be publishing a collection of texts titled Reversed Chronicles, examining the past, present and future of the eastern parts of Europe as seen through queer fictional and personal narratives. As part of the publication, two artists Vaim Sarv and Mia Tamme are presenting a text on oral traditon, more specifically the Estonian tradition of *regilaul*, a type of improvisational folk song practiced by Finno-Baltic people, dating back about 2000 years. *Regilaul* is cyclical, has an almost trance-like quality and was sung during rituals, physical labor, used for creation stories, etc.

The artists are especially interested in the relevance and potential of these types of traditions in today's world. Based on the text, Sarv and Tamme would be interested in presenting a show for the Miss Read Radio, combining readings, discussion and sound.

Vaim Sarv is an experimental vocalist, writer, and curator. Her collaborative practice blends free improvisation with noise and pagan oral tradition. Mutating his voice with live electronics and extended vocal techniques, her animalistic, machine-like sound is interwoven with lyrics and spoken word. His ritualistic performances and curatorial projects amplify the disruptive, celebratory power of communal experiences. Vaim hosts Land Services, a radio show tracing the connection between oral traditions and experimental musics by centering collective sonic practices from the periphery of the world system. Her research draws upon the wealth of conceptual weaponry developed by the Black Radical Tradition, queer theory, and new materialism.

Mia Tamme is a visual researcher and experimental film-maker based in Tallinn, Estonia. She blends ethnographic research, social design and autofiction to connect with marginal communities. Mia digs into the knowledge of heritage passed down on the grounds of Estonia, and scans how folk objects and tales continue to shape individual and social identities.

Please let me know what you think or if you have any qustions! I would be more than happy to put you in contact with the artists to discuss further details.
Saturday, 23.09.23, 12:00
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