Welcome to the city book reading

Participants: Kathrin Wildner (ADOC), Nawar Diab (ADOC), Paula Hildebrandt (ADOC)

With the cannibalistic dimension of hospitality, the language of love is transferred to the field of citizenship.

What are the unwritten rules of a big city – the rules that new arrivals don't dare to ask about or that they don't even know exist? What does a welcome city look like? Who lives there, what does it feel like, what does it sound like?

The W E L C O M E C I T Y is both a real and an invented city that flares up whenever social agreements and conventions break down or collapse. When the boundaries between you and me, them and us, foreign and familiar, guest and spirit start to flicker, when they become blurred or violated; in other words, they can always be remeasured.

In this city, the street of arrival is not a bath street, nor a district like Crumlin in Dublin, but a site, a fairground.

How does arriving go and when does staying begin? Who is welcome and who is not? What are the unwritten rules of a big city that newcomers don't dare to ask about or even didn't know existed?
Can you appear as a citizen on the stage of the big city?

Have you ever noticed that there are more greetings to say goodbye (A) than to say hello (B)?

Paula Hildebrandt is a writer, filmmaker and artistic researcher based in Berlin (*1976). Initially trained as a political scientist, she worked several years in the field of international development cooperation before turning to arts and academia. She holds a PhD in European Urbanism and lectured at various art schools and international universities. Her articles and essays appeared in numerous journals and edited publications e.g. »Performing Citizenship: Bodies, Agencies, Limitations« (2019). In her film »Logistics of Paradise« (2020) and most recent artistic research called »Welcome City« she combines theory and performative actions at the intersection of social urban art, experimental ethnography, literary text and video.
Saturday, 12.10., 13:00
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