发生再周二STAY WITH TUESDAY – Miss Read


Duo* Zhou & Wu
creating while drinking tea
#"waste" story series #honor ancestor series #illustration #toy
#art installation #art book
The Black Spot Vol.2
StayWithTuesday, The Black Spot Vol.2, 2024, © StayWithTuesday

This page focuses on the zines we've done. And The Black Dot Vol.2 is the one we'll continue to create this year!

The Door of My Hometown
StayWithTuesday, The Door of My Hometown, 2024, © StayWithTuesday

At the entrance of a traditional house in Chaoshan, Guangdong Province, Southern China, there are some stone carvings and colorful paintings around the door, which are not only decorative but also hold the good wishes of the people living in this house. The contents of these paintings and characters express the thoughts and feelings and life philosophy of the ancestors of this house. This group of works is our redefinition and creation of this traditional custom with our own understanding of life. We have assembled this group of paintings into a book. We will also continue to create this series.

“Waste” Beauty Center
StayWithTuesday, “Waste” Beauty Center, 2023, © StayWithTuesday

“WASTE”BEAUTY CENTER is our first and on going series. We collected pictures of the"waste" we encocunter in our daily life. And create new characters and stories from these "waste" photos.
