edition metzel | che casino!
for over forty years we publish books on art and academia: archives, horizons, crossovers, mindscapes, passages or renegotiations – our titles unfold resonant reading rooms and share profound as well as progressive perspectives, releasing new accents, alternative formats or activist imaginations.
from classical modernism to contemporary art productions and receptions – our program encompasses discourses, theories, and practices across all areas of the 20th and 21st century: alongside outstanding academic research works in the field of art history, media studies, material & visual cultures, we are dedicated to artists' books & writings as well as catalogs or editions by present generations.
anything but empty words: the independent publishing house, based in Munich and Berlin, was founded in 1982 as Verlag Silke Schreiber and has been run by art historian Dr. Luise Metzel since 1996. With cultural worker Constanze Metzel joining the team in 2017, we changed our name to edition metzel.
featuring che casino! from 2020 on, our imprint dishes up a surprise menu of unexpected delicacies inspired by pop culture, fiction, culinarics, subversive myths or other urban legends: hidden gems out of the box – from speculative to constructive, advanced at times radical, as elemental as epochal, unconditionally civil and disobedient...
from classical modernism to contemporary art productions and receptions – our program encompasses discourses, theories, and practices across all areas of the 20th and 21st century: alongside outstanding academic research works in the field of art history, media studies, material & visual cultures, we are dedicated to artists' books & writings as well as catalogs or editions by present generations.
anything but empty words: the independent publishing house, based in Munich and Berlin, was founded in 1982 as Verlag Silke Schreiber and has been run by art historian Dr. Luise Metzel since 1996. With cultural worker Constanze Metzel joining the team in 2017, we changed our name to edition metzel.
featuring che casino! from 2020 on, our imprint dishes up a surprise menu of unexpected delicacies inspired by pop culture, fiction, culinarics, subversive myths or other urban legends: hidden gems out of the box – from speculative to constructive, advanced at times radical, as elemental as epochal, unconditionally civil and disobedient...