Nomad Papaya Books – Miss Read

Nomad Papaya Books

Nomad Papaya BOOKS is an artbook/zine publishing house focusing on transition of culture(s) and identit(ies), based in Taiwan/Germany.

The founder started questioning the identity and nationality of Taiwan, but got really confused by himself, so he decided to make art books and collaborate with people, try (not) to answer yet to form new ideologies & relations.

What is changing when you cross the border, leaving your own history/home behind? Can new encounters also form new identities?
Nomad Papaya book wagon
Kenneth Ting-Yu Lin, Nomad Papaya book wagon, Nomad Papaya Books, 2024 © Kenneth Ting-Yu Lin

"Nomad Papaya Book Wagon" is a multi-function book wagon, that hybrids a book booth, publishing house, sharing and exchanging platform.
The wagon functions differently in different time—sometime it’s a book booth, curating some books that were published by Nomad Papaya Books and other featured books from Taiwan, and some from the friends that deal with the topic of transmissive identity. Sometimes it also transforms into a talk stand—to initiate talks, readings and sharing. This is a way to actively turn on the interaction between books, artist publishers, audience, putting up voices and dialogs.

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