Set Margins’publications – Miss Read

Set Margins’publications

Set Margins’ frames current impulses from the margin. As a critical and creative support structure, a platform for production, a network and publisher, Set Margins’ rethinks and evolves visual communication and forms of cooperation. Set Margins’ mobilizes community, articulates qualities to widen support, and steps up for liberties.
diverse titles by Ian Lynam
Ian Lynam, diverse titles by Ian Lynam, Set Margins' publications, 2024, © Ian Lynam

Diverse titles by Ian Lynam, published by Set Margins' publications: The Failed Painter - Or: Unchained by Material Anxiety, The Impossibillity of Silence - Writing for Designers, Artists & Photographers and the latest: War with Myself- Essays on Design, Culture & Violence.

What Design Can’t Do - Essays on Design and Disillusion
Silvio Lorusso, What Design Can’t Do - Essays on Design and Disillusion, Set Margins' publications, 2023, © Silvio Lorusso

What Design Can’t Do
Essays on Design and Disillusion

Design is broken. Young and not-so-young designers are becoming increasingly aware of this. Many feel impotent: they were told they had the tools to make the world a better place, but instead the world takes its toll on them. Beyond a haze of hype and bold claims lies a barren land of self-doubt and impostor syndrome. Although these ‘feels’ might be the Millennial norm, design culture reinforces them. In conferences we learn that “with great power comes great responsibility” but, when it comes to real-life clients, all they ask is to “make the logo bigger.”

This book probes the disillusionment that permeates design. It tackles the deskilling effects provoked by digital semi-automation, the instances of ornamental politics fashioned to please the museum-educational complex, the nebulous promises of design schools. While reviving historical expressions of disenchantment, Silvio Lorusso examines present-day memes and social media rants. To depict this disheartening crisis, he crafts a new critical vocabulary for readers to build upon. What this exposé reveals is both worrying and refreshing: rather than producing a meaningful order, design might be just about inhabiting chaos.

What was once a promising field rooted in problem-solving has become a problem in itself. The skill set of designers appears shaky and insubstantial – their expertise is received with indifference, their know-how is trivialised by online services, their work is compromised by a series of unruly external factors. If you see yourself as a designer without qualities; if you feel cheated, disappointed or betrayed by design, this book is for you.

Product photography by Annette Behrens

Cycles, the Sacred and the Doomed Inquiries in Female Health Technologies
Morgane Billuart, Cycles, the Sacred and the Doomed Inquiries in Female Health Technologies, Set Margins' publications, 2024, © Morgane Billuart

In a world propelled by swift technological progress and perpetual obsolescence, women frequently find themselves adapting and altering their daily experiences in order to remain functional. In the 21st century, as technology purports to comprehensively assess and address women’s conditions and physical discomfort, Cycles, the Sacred and the Doomed delves deeply into the realm of female health technologies, revealing a space where science, holistic methods, and mythology converge. This book challenges the idea of combining ancient wisdom with modern innovation and takes readers on a multidisciplinary journey to explore the intricacies of female’s health.

product photography by Annette Behrens
