Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou – Miss Read

Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou

The literary practice of Eleni Poulou and Theresa Patzschke emerged from their musical practice. Playing together in the band Recycling Plastic Inevitable they let words and sounds collide freely in concerts and tracks, opening another level of meaning and expression. In their zines the same principal is at work: the pages are unbound – poems of Eleni and poetic prose of Theresa, as well as collages and photos of the two artists can be put together and combined or hung on walls as posters in order to create meaning and expression freely. New poems and new stories arise depending on how you put the pages together. This is a reflection on storytelling, a form of expression that everybody uses every day and that is as intimate as it is political.

Eleni Poulou making music all her life and famously having been a long-term member of The Fall comes from a background that radically questions the state of society. Theresa is a feminist and a trained flutist. In her prose, she tells brutally intimate stories that nightmarishly sneak onto the metalevel as parabolas.

They collaborate with Hilary Jeffery and Petr Kišur.

The Awning
Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou, The Awning, Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou, 2022, © Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou

Installation view Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, Jahresgabenausstellung: Betriebsfeier

Inflorescence Tray
Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou, Inflorescence Tray, Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou, 2022, © Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou

poem by Eleni Poulou, Collage by Theresa Patzschke, Tape Case: Organza ray

AABF 2022
Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou, Petr Kišur, Hillary Jeffery, AABF 2022, Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou, Petr Kišur, Hillary Jeffery, 2022, © Theresa Patzschke, Eleni Poulou, Petr Kišur, Hillary Jeffery

various publications displayed at the Athens Art Book Fair, 2022
